Water And
Section Title
(REVISED MARCH 17, 2010)
Article I – Name
Section 1.
The name of the Association shall be The Tennessee Water and Wastewater Association.
Section 2.
The address of the principal office shall be: Julian R. Fleming Training Center, Murfreesboro, Tennessee 37129-9609
Article II – Object
Section 1.
The objective of this association shall be to promote the science and practice of water and wastewater treatment and handling; to promote cooperation among the membership, institutions of learning and public health agencies; to protect tenure of service of operators by means of progressive certification or licensing; and to enable each Tennessee community to benefit from the experience of others, thus making Tennessee a better and healthier state in which to live.
Article III – Membership
Section 1.
The membership of the association shall consist of Honorary, Active and Associate members.
Section 2.
An Honorary member shall be one whose practical or scientific knowledge in matters relating to water supply or wastewater disposal and whose accomplishments in one or both fields shall be entitled to special recognition by the association. Honorary members shall be nominated by a region and approved by the Executive Board. They shall not be required to pay dues. The Region Chairman of each region may propose one or more names to the Executive Board for honorary membership each year.
Section 3.
An Active Member shall be one who is an employee of a water or wastewater system in the State of Tennessee.
Section 4.
An Associate Member shall be a person professionally interested in the principals of this association. Associate Members shall not have a vote in affairs of the Association nor hold state or regional office. Associate Members may hold office in the Laboratory Section of The Tennessee Water and Wastewater Association.
Section 5.
Active membership may be granted by the Executive Committee to employees of water and wastewater regulatory agencies, the chairman of the Laboratory Section, and others as its discretion.
Article IV – Dues
Section 1.
Each Active and Associate Member of the Association shall pay annual dues as may be set by the Executive Board.
Section 2.
Each region and section of the Association may assess additional dues.
Section 3.
The fiscal year of the Association shall begin on January 1 and terminate on December 31. Annual dues shall be payable in advance and shall be due on January 1.
Article V – Region Officers
Section 1.
Each region of this Association shall have a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, and a Secretary. The Chairman shall have general supervision of the region affairs and the Vice-Chairman shall serve in the Chairman’s absence.
Section 2.
The respective regions every two years according to the rules established by the region shall choose the regional officers.
Section 3.
The Laboratory Section of this Association shall have a Chairman, Vice-Chairman and a Secretary. The Chairman shall have general supervision of the region affairs and the Vice-Chairman shall serve in the Chairman’s absence.
Section 4.
The Laboratory Section officers shall be chosen every two years by the rules established by the section.
Section 5.
The duties of the Secretary shall be to keep all records of the region or section and submit a copy of the minutes of all the meetings to the Association Secretary – Treasurer.
Article VI – Organization and Government
Section 1.
The Association shall be divided into four regions: (1) Upper East, (2) Lower East, (3) Middle, and (4) West.
Section 2.
The Association shall have a Laboratory Section with membership available statewide.
Section 3.
The government of this Association shall be vested in an Executive Board. The Executive Board shall be composed of the President, the Immediate Past President, Secretary – Treasurer, and Eight Vice Presidents. Seven members of this committee shall constitute a quorum.
Section 4.
The office of the President shall be filled by the Chairman of the West Region in 1991- 1992, the Chairman of the Upper East in 1993-1994, the Chairman of the Middle Region in 1995-1996, the Chairman of the Lower East Region in 1997-1998, and this order of rotation shall be continued.
Section 5.
The Regional Chairman, with exception of the Association President, shall be Association Vice-Presidents.
Section 6.
The Association Secretary – Treasurer shall be chosen by the Executive Board from the membership. The Association Secretary – Treasurer may be replaced by a three-fourths vote of the Board.
Section 7.
In the event any member of the Executive Board is unable to attend a meeting of the Executive Board, he may be represented by another officer from his respective region or section, and if none of the officers from that region or section can attend, any other member of that region or section may be authorized to represent any Executive Board Member.
Section 8.
If the office of Association President shall become vacant for any reason, that office shall automatically be filled by the Vice-Chairman of that region entitled to the presidency
during the unexpired term. That Vice-Chairman shall also become Chairman of his region and the region shall choose a new Vice-Chairman.
Section 9.
Each region and section shall adopt rules and procedures to govern its activities which shall not be in conflict with the provisions of the Constitution and the by-laws and be approved by the Executive Board.
Section 10.
The Laboratory Section Chairman shall be a Vice-President of the Executive Board. The Laboratory Section shall not hold the office of Association President.
Article VII – Duties of Officers
Section 1.
It shall be the duty of the President to have general supervision over the affairs of the Association and to preside at all meetings of the Executive Board.
Section 2.
It shall be the duty of each Vice-President to represent his section at all meetings of the Executive Board.
Section 3.
The Association Secretary-Treasurer shall be the custodian of all funds of the Association and shall pay out the same upon the order of the Executive Board or upon such order or plan as the Executive Board may ordain or establish. The Secretary-Treasurer shall prepare and send each member of the Executive Board on or about February 1 a statement showing the financial condition of the Association and a list of all expenditures during the past fiscal year. The Secretary-Tresurer shall be authorized to sign checks on the Association bank account for Association expenses.
Article VIII – Meetings
Section 1.
Meetings of the Executive Board shall be called by the President of the Association and shall be held at least once each year.
Section 2.
The Association Secretary-Treasurer shall be notified at least 30 days in advance of all regional and sectional meetings and shall be sent a copy of the minutes of each meeting.
Article IX – Amendments
Section 1.
Proposed amendments of this Constitution shall be submitted in writing to the Executive Board. To adopt any amendment shall require an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the Active and Honorary Members voting in a special election. The Executive Board may order an election on proposed amendments at any time and such an election shall be conducted by mail by the Association Secretary-Treasurer.
Article X – Dissolution of the Association
Section 1.
Upon the dissolution of the Association, the Executive Board shall, after paying or making provisions for the payment of all the liabilities of the Association, dispose of all the assets of the Association exclusively for charitable, educational, religious, or scientific purposes as shall at the time qualify as an exempt organization or organizations under section 501(c) (3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provisions of any future United States Law) as the Executive Board shall determine.
Rotation of Presidency of Executive Board
Article VI. Section 4. The office of President shall be filled by the Chairman of the West Region in 1991-1992, the Chairman of the Upper East in 1993-1994, the Chairman of the Middle Region in 1995-1996, the Chairman of the Lower East Region in 1997-1998, and this order of rotation shall be continued.
1999-2000 West 2001-2002 Upper East 2003-2004 Middle 2005-2006 Lower East 2007-2008 West 2009-2010 Upper East 2011-2012 Middle 2013-2014 Lower East 2015-2016 West 2017-2018 Upper East 2019-2020 Middle 2021-2022 Lower East 2023-2024 West 2025-2026 Upper East 2027-2028 Middle 2029-2030 Lower East 2031-2032 West 2033-2034 Upper East 2035-2036 Middle 2037-2038 Lower East...
Article III. Section 2.
An Honorary member shall be one whose practical or scientific knowledge in matters relating to water supply or wastewater disposal and whose accomplishments in one or both fields shall be entitled to special recognition by the association. Honorary members shall be nominated by a region and approved by the Executive Board. They shall not be required to pay dues. The Region Chairman of each region may propose the name to the Executive Board for honorary membership each year.
Article III. Section 2. This was amended to read as follows:
An Honorary member shall be one whose practical or scientific knowledge in matters relating to water supply or wastewater disposal and whose accomplishments in one or both fields shall be entitled to special recognition by the association. Honorary members shall be nominated by a region and approved by the Executive Board. They shall not be required to pay dues. The Region Chairman of each region may propose one or more names to the Executive Board for honorary membership each year.